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Pastry Agency offers you a solution for all requests.
Chef Valentin Sanchez with a former student

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We advice owners about what they need to acquire in order to launch their new project:

The equipment, the laboratory, creating the line, the new dessert menu, evaluate the costs, teaching people eventually afterwards.

We guide you through

The Whole Process

Chef Paola Nobili

As a knowledgeable team, we offer our expert advice and guidance to new shops and stores starting out in the industry or launching a new project.

We specialize in providing step-by-step information on everything from the necessary equipment required, to the set-up of a fully functional laboratory, creating a production line, developing new dessert menus and evaluating costs.

Our services are tailored to owners who are looking for an experienced partner to help guide them through the months of planning, expense evaluation and staff training that is essential for a successful store launch.

Our ultimate goal is to help our clients realize their vision and achieve their business objectives. From offering hands-on training and relevant education to teaching people the various aspects of the industry, we are here to provide as much assistance as required.


We possess an abundance of knowledge and wisdom accrued over years of dedication to our beloved profession and passion.


Our experience as professional pastry chef has endowed us with a keen sense of creativity, precision, and mastery of pastry techniques.


Our collective knowledge allows us to tackle any pastry challenge we encounter with confidence and deliver exceptional results.


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