Professionnal Services


Pastry Agency offers you a solution for all requests.
Chef Paola Nobili

Extand Your


We answer to the need for professional pastry chefs handling production, setting up, during specific periods.


We guide you through

The Whole Process

Chef Valentin Sanchez photo (portait)

We strive to offer professional production and setup solutions to meet the needs of our valued clients.

To support you when your workload exceeds your available staff, we are equipped to handle any production requirements. Our team of skilled professionals brings extensive experience and expertise to each project we undertake, ensuring that your cakes are produced as you see fit.

We understand that time is of the essence in today’s fast-paced world, and that’s why we offer a speedy turnaround time on all our services, allowing our clients to quickly bring their products to market. We specialize in seasonal offerings, such as Christmas and Easter cakes, providing unique and delicious options for our clients to offer their customers.

So if you’re looking for a reliable, professional partner to help you in your production needs, look no further than our team. We are committed to delivering outstanding service and quality in everything we do.


We possess an abundance of knowledge and wisdom accrued over years of dedication to our beloved profession and passion.


Our experience as professional pastry chef has endowed us with a keen sense of creativity, precision, and mastery of pastry techniques.


Our collective knowledge allows us to tackle any pastry challenge we encounter with confidence and deliver exceptional results.


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